Social Sound Project
In cooperation with the game program of Züricher Hochschule der Künste / ZHdK we ran a one week workshop to develop sound games. The final presentation happend at Next Level Conference 2012 in Cologne - check out Katharina Tillmanns post on the CGL website!
Clip shot and edited by Katharina Tillmanns, Cologne Game Lab 2012.
Silhouettes Project at KISD
During the summer term 2012 i did a project on silhouette animation at KISD. There were several great approaches to that "very german" type of animation (Lotte Reiniger (The Adventures of Prinz Achmed, 1926)) - one group of students shared their beautifully animated and orally dubbed sounddesign: The Adventures of Paul Zombie
The animation film was dircted by Antonia Feldmeier and others...
PWC Research on the German Games Market

Gundolf and i were asked by PWC Germany about the state of the games industry in Germany (amongst others). The study Videogames in Deutschland: Onlinespiele beflügeln das Wachstum (German only) is available for free download - we know that (the headline) much is true...
GamesCom 2012
This years gamescom was even bigger then the last show! More then 275.000 people during the 5 days - the Cologne exhibition center was packed! While Microsoft and Nintendo (!) stayed away amongst other big players, the hot topics were mobile- and browserr games. I was asked to participate in a 1.5 h radio live show for Deutschlandradio´s Marktplatz. Check out the full programm here.
The Interactive Magazine
One of the KISD Projects this summer (summer term 2012) was "The Interactive Magazine", in which we experimented with the adaptation of classic print mag´s to tablet pc´s. We used the Adobe Publishing Suite to design and author the digital magazines - some are spiced up wit a little bit of HTML5. The whole thing was supervised by Prof. Iris Utikal, Prof. Michael Gais and Richard Jungkunz - and of course me. Check out the nice clip GAVG did for his piece...
Interactive Magazine from gavg on Vimeo.
Tale of Archy - only one of many great Projects from GGJ 2012!
The GGJ 2012 was a great event for all participants at Cologne Game Lab! We doubled the number of participants and we even tripled (or so) the quality of the games developed! One of the games developed was Tale of Archy - made in unity by Bolivar Escobar | Guido Göbbels | Pablo López Soriano | Siethu Zawlwin | Volker Zerbe...

From early concept sketches to playable prototype the 48 hours of GGJ were enough,
a bit of polishing and further improvements followed in the last weeks...

There was even enought time for an elaborated process of character and world design!

Global Game Jam at Cologne Game Lab

We will host a GGJ site for the third time January 27-29, 2012 at the Cologne Game Lab. Due our spacial limitations we can accept max. 40 jammers at out location. Participation is free in cologne, we will support you with WiFi and technical infrastructure (incl. 2 Apple workstations with the software you´ll need) - (but) people are ask to bring their own computer... For registration and other details please visit the Cologne Game Lab Website!
Nice feature about "Videogames and Art" on WDR 5
Cultural mag "SCALA" on WDR5 (a great format) made a little feature on the question if digital games can be art... I was interviewed as well (and Kati from CGL) for this piece - i find it quite nice, a good reflection on a high level. (sorry - German only!)