Künstlerinnenpreis NRW 2017

I was happy to hold the laudation on CGL student Leonie Wolf, who was awarded with the Newcomer Award 2017 of the NRW Frauenkulturbüro NRW! Leonie is student of the first bachelor year at our institute. The main price went to Aurea Harvey (Tale of Tales) who is really one of the stunning game designers in the european indie sphere...
Clash of Realities Conference 2017

The State Secretary and Head of the State Chancellery NRW, Nathanael Liminski, the co-directors of the Cologne Game Lab Prof. Björn Bartholdy and Prof. Dr. Gundolf S. Freyermuth, Managing Director of Film- und Medienstiftung NRW, Petra Müller and the Mayor of Cologne, Dr. Ralf Heinen.
From November 6-8 the eighth Clash of Realities Conference turned the Cologne Game Lab
into the central arena for an interdisciplinary exchange and dialogue. More than 50 international speakers from the academy, science and research, economics, politics and the game
industry along with an enthusiastic audience made the conference a rewarding and stimulating experience.
Digility Conference and Expo 2017 (Cologne)

The second edition of DIGILITY kicked off this week in Cologne. The conference and expo cycles arround immersive technologies and the according content. CGL was happy to jointly present some research "in process" with our friends from the Institue for Imaging Sciences.
I also was invited by EDFVR for a discussion on transfer between research and industry. Moderation: Lukas Middelmann, EDFVR-member with SAE - on the panel: Bolela Likafu (EDFVR member of the board), Pierre Degardin (SAE Senior Executive Manager), Prof. Christian Malterer (MD.H)
Business Mixer - Digital Hub Cologne

Nice invitation by Digital Hub Cologne - friendly people invited (usual suspects) and nice talks alongside the presentations...
10.05.17 - Lecture at Heinz Nixdorf Forum in Paderborn

I was invited to talk about the field of games and learning. A very interested audience discussed the issue critically with me - many of the teachers (of course). I also had the chance to sneek peek at the Computer Museum - the largest exhibition of it´s kind worldwide - very impressing....
Serious Games Conference @ CEBIT 2017

Invited by amazing Susan Tackenberg i talked about our current research activities at CGL. Beside Antura and the Letters (Prof. Emmanuel Guardiola) i presented His2Go and EPSA - good feedback from the audience...

Again invited by Goethe Institut Boston! In cooperation with BIU we are able to present 8 German Indie Projects. Great lineup including CGL related projects "Harold Halibut", "Ludopium" and "Code 7". PAX EAST is amazing - very indie and lots of board- and card game projects on stage...
Master Presentations at Enjmin!

Final presentation of the Enjmin 2nd year master projects. Amazing work of the students - great discussions with the colleagues - thanks for the invitation Prof. Dr. Stephane Natkin!

Virtual Reality Day - 26.01.2017

Prof. Martin Zimper from ZHdK moderated this panel on the actual state of VR. On my left is my old pal Marc Lepetit, a film producer at UFA Fiction, Arne Ludwig - VR Guru at Headtrip and last but not least Friedrich "Kiko" Pautasso - Partner @samhoud, Cologne.
Global Game Jam 2017 at CGL

GGJ for the 8th time at CGL - our second edition at the new Köln-Mülheim site. 130 Jammers signed up - seems like some got stuck in the Cologne traffic chaos. Interesting projects - all
technologies. Keep on jamming...
BIU - Roundtable der Fachkräfte

20.01.17 - The year kicks off with many activities! Today CGL hosted the BIU teachings experts roundtable in Cologne. Interesting debates about Gamescom, state funnding of student projects, incubators and accelerators and son...
2nd Year Master Presentations at Enjmin

I have the pleasure to be among the 2nd year MA´s at ENJMIN in Angauleme, France. Enjmin belongs to "le cnam" which is one of the oldest art academies in the world - founded on 10 October 1794, during the French Revolution. Enjmin is THE states game school in France and CGL has a close cooperation runing with them...